Monday, July 26, 2010


Sorry. This is not an alphabet post. Yeah, I know it's been 3 days. Well, it'll be another couple days because I'll be gone. Sorry. So sad. Yeah. Get over it.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I is for i. Like i. As in iPOD, or iTunes, or iPhone, or iMADOOFUS.

Okay. I'll level with you. One day, very, very soon, Apple will rule the world. That day will come when Microsoft is dead. Linux is no threat to them, so I don't care about them. But yeah, Apple is starting this creepy deed by marketing their products to teens. Like maybe one day my iPod will jump up, grab a gun, and kill me. Well, maybe not, but it could. Well, no actually, no. No it couldn't. I have a 4G Nano. It doesn't even have APPS. Ha! Silly me!

Okay buddy dat's it you want more you just come back tomorrow. You want more den dat? Just check out de archives. Okay peace out buddy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


H is for Han Solo. Captain of the Millinium Falcon. The guy who had the guts to insult Obi Wan. Yeah. Him.

*Scuffling sounds*

Sorry, this will be another short post because Chewy is messing with831 thew34y32 Hard84 Drive0329 cabl038s ! A]gtjuj\aw34i- t5aw3]-9qt 84y 568i3k4 -568[2-304


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


IT IS ON! ilikepie productions has a website!! Check it out by clicking this link: ilikepie website!

Very cool!

PYOA site updates

i just updated the PYOA website!


G as in "G I'm sorry." And I am. Because I forgot to update this yesterday. But anyway... G is for glop. Glop is a funny word that is usually used in a similer way to Goo. Now. I don't feel like posting this now. So GO outside.

Maybe I'll put up H later.


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Okay!! I'm back from my little trip and I'm here to say that F is for Five Iron Frenzy. Five Iron Frenzy is\was a Christian Ska group. They rocked. (If you don't know what ska is, I'll just tell you that you should think of Hawk Nelson with a brass section. Then go to YouTube and search: Ska is Fun iowadski) But anyway, these guys not only rocked my face off, but were really really funny. One of my favorite "funny songs" they made was "Oh Canada." Look it up on iTunes. Seriously, you will laugh. (Probably more so if you are an American who likes Canada. I do!!!)

Okay. I'm sick of writing. Peach out.

Yes I know it's PEACE out.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


E is for...E is for...uh...maybe I should have thought this through....

*2 hours later*

I got it! E is for END OF TAPE. Yeah. That is the most annoying notice a filmmaker can get. Like, you're happily filming and then. TAPE END appears on your screnn. Augh!! (Go digital) But even with digital you still run out of memory card space. So maybe you should just stream the video straight to your computer. Then you can use Flash Drives and Discs to assist you.

There. E

A Notice: There won't be any thoughts of the day for Friday or Saturday. I'll be hanging out in Galena,IL and won't have a computer in sight for a coulple days. Posting will resume on Sunday. (Some time in the afternoon or at night)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Jumping right in... D is for Ding Dongs.

Little Debbie...ahh....I think I'm in love... But anyway Ding Dongs are those little chocolate cakes with chocolate icing and they have cream in the middle. They also have this cool loop-the-loop pattern on top in white icing. Aaaaahhhhh...heavenly stuff. I love Little Debbie...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Okay, I'm here! C is for free CREDIT score. I know, that actually starts with F, but I already have something for that. I was watchching the All-Star Game and this comerciall for came on. Now I really don't care about the product, but the commercial was cool. They had this punk band (it actually looked more like some guys with no jobs) that sang this funny song about this guy with a bad credit score. It was kind of cool and yet, funny! So, watch for it on TV (cable channel 8 in my area). Or just find FOX. You should be able to find it.

That's it. Adios Amigos! (And Amigas!! :) :) :)......)

Monday, July 12, 2010


B is for Barney.

Barney is a dinosaur. Okay-check that. Barney is a stuffed animal who magically turns into a dinosaur. What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????? I don't get it. And then, why do all these like, obviously 10-yar-old kids look up to him and play with him? But most of all: Why do they belive that he's real? I mean COME ON! He's a guy with no job in a costume. Are all these kids oblivious to that?? This is insane! Public Television: Is this how you want to portray children older than the target audience for this show? As morons? Well, babysitters will get no respect now. (And I'm pretty sure the guy in the costume is an evil spy.) And another little wonder I had was: Why do all these goofy kids wear clothes that went out of style when I was born? And their goofy haridoos. (Kind of like the Brady Bunch!!)

Well see you with tomorrow's thought-uh...tomorrow...

This post was written at the request of Josh.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A. A is for Animal Rights. I don't care HOW you look at it-animals are below us. So when these people don't care that other humans are commiting suicide, or killing each other-that tells me that animal rights people...are dummies. I just don't really think it is a noble cause, trying to get dogs drivers' licences. Their current one is enough. And picketing around a snake hole who's owner got killed is just dorky.

So...that is my thought of the day. If you were offended by this at all keep in mind that it's my opinion and that's all... so it's a pretty shalow argument. And if you were offended by this so much that you hate me, hate iowadski, hate's my solution: Don't read it. That's all. Cheese out!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We now present...

Yes, for the next 26 or so days the iowadski blog will be showing my random thoughts for every letter of the alphabet.
Starting tomorrow.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

David Crowder* Band is my Friend

Yes!! David Crowder* Band accepted our friend invite on YouTube! Yay! However, we're still waiting on Hawk Nelson, TobyMac, and Newsboys... stay tuned...

David Crowder* Band is my Friend

Yes!! David Crowder* Band accepted our friend invite on YouTube! Yay! However, we're still waiting on Hawk Nelson, TobyMac, and Newsboys... stay tuned...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stuff going on

Just so you know...

I put up a poll about the Bob Smiley videos. Vote on it.

The YouTube has a new background and Bob Smiley is our friend. (David Crowder* Band and Hawk Nelson have been asked.)

Cheese is yummy.


(i meant to do that.)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

An anamation

A little something I made...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Did you?

Did you check out Bob Smiley yet? You need to. He's on iTunes. And YouTube. Check him OUT!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bob Smiley is the bomb.

Bob Smiley is awesome. Check out this video HERE.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pick Your Own Apples

Go check out the BRAND NEW Pick Your Own Apples website, HERE at!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


The cheese thing is finally on the YouTube! Check it out at YOUTUBE! And I put up another video that pokes some fun at Disney Channel. On the POLL, vote if you want more of those, spoofing some of the other shows. They're pretty fun to make!!