Monday, August 30, 2010


O is for Oscar the Grouch. He loves trash. He lives in a metal garbage can. He has a pet worm. He is AWESOME. Do you love trash? Anything dirty, or dingy, or dusty? Slime? Gunk? Nasty stuff.


Now I see why more people don't care for this guy.

That's sick. And not the cool kind either, I mean like the Oh, nasty kind.

That's it.

Bye peoples.

(Or people if that is how you prefer the plural version.)

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hi guys. N is for No. As in No alphabet post. Well, actually I just did an alphabet post. Oh. Forget that just happened.

Oh well:

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was my first day of school. Cool. No alphabet stuff today. Sorry.

Peach owt.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Be sure you are checking out the new-ish ilikepie productions official website that you can find here!

And the Pick Your Own Apples site here!

I think this is M

I am pretty sure this is M. If it isn't please take it upon your self to do the laborious task to put a comment up and tell me so. M is for Mac. Or MacBook. Mac computers are the total best. Windows can't compare. The interesting part is that I write these blogs primarily on Windows. Ooooh. Awkward. But Mac comes with all this pre-loaded software. So...Go Mac!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Alright Now

L is for La la la la la la la la la la

The favorite word of David Crowder* Band. What one says while trying to sing in a daze. La la la la la la... I just like La La La! That's all I want to post. Yeah. Bye.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Well, well, well. You weren't expecting THIS! Ha! I scared you there. You didn't think I could blog right now because I'm not home. Well, reader, my Grandparents have internet. So let's get down to business.


K is for Kake or Kookies or Kartoons, or maybe Kauliflower.

Well I like all of these. Except the last one. Kauliflower is nasty. I--

Just a moment. One of my informants is telling me that all those things start with C. Just a moment. He wants to talk.

-minutes past. yelling is heard in the background-

Well. That little post is over. Wow what a dimwit! Everyone ELSE knows that Kartoons starts with K!

That's all. Bye

Monday, August 2, 2010


Well gosh, it's been a rather long time but I'm finally (FINALLY) back. And with a new ALPHABET post! So, let's go.

J is for juggling. It looks hard-but it is. I've tried. I've read whole books on the subject but I am either just too uncoordinated or too stupid to do it. I had a camp counselor who could juggle once. The guy can even juggle torches. It was cool.



This is awkward.


SO! Tune in next time for more posts of the alphabet!! YEAH!! COOL! YAY Wow. yeah...not really.

Se ya